Hello all you wonderfull newgrounds people so the new series made between me and eddache is up and the reviews have been postive. (well my mum liked it if nout else). But it seems as soon as it all gets going it might fall away from us. Following some cut backs at my firm and work in general drying up i have taken the big plunge and im heading out to Aus for a long hoilday and travel. It will also give me the chance to pass on the comics and start the Aussie arm of eddache and badgerless pictures. As we all know, they love a cockney "wide boy". Hopefully we will wangle a way for me still do the voice acting for minions and the odd moment of edd egg. But i will still carry on the writing (skype god bless the internet) but its been a wild ride and amazing to enjoy the success that eddache cartoons have bought me.
Eddie is an amazing friend and i know he works his arse off to get the animation done. Because as good as I am at flash actionscript and the odd one liner that sends us and his incredibly patient fiancée into fits of laughter none of this would have got off the ground had he not been able to draw and his determination to get that number one trophy. Thanks to newgrounds for the all the front pages we had and for the competion prize that gave us a chance to hit the drinks on beer fuelled evening.
So now that the oscar speech is over i can go back and get pissed at the aftershow party.
Great series and great username.